A bank card for your mistress


Huaxia Bank has launched an advertising campaign for a “Pretty Girl Card” (丽人卡) that appears to be targeting ernai, the mistresses of rich men, with posters and flat screen ads in elevators in high end apartments all over Beijing.

The ad is reproduced in the image at left (click to enlarge). Below is a rough translation of the copy:

Huaxia Pretty Girl Card

Understands the heart of a beauty

She craves attention

She loves to be pampered, and needs her privileges

She likes some small surprises

These feelings of the heart, it understands them all: Huaxia Pretty Girl Card understands the heart of a beauty

Pretty Girl Card, China’s first bank card especially for women: new image, more ways to use it: Leading the new pretty girl financial fashion lifestyle.

The website of the Pretty Girl Card (link below) looks more like it is aimed at a broader group of women and does not have the little princess tone of the ad translated above.

The card itself does have an unusual design feature: the right hand side of it is a wedge shape rather than the straight side of a rectangle.

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