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Tag Archives: @altcat
Boom boom boom: The Year of the Rabbit
A video by Jonah Kessel and friends of the fireworks in Beijing set off to celebrate the arrival of the Year of the Rabbit.
Posted in Festivals
Tagged @altcat, fireworks, Year of Rabbit, zodiac
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Journalism masters degree at ground zero of the new media wars
Journalism masters degree: This is a shout out to our current advertiser, the Journalism and Media Studies Centre at the University of Hong Kong.
Posted in Advertisement - sponsored content
Tagged @altcat, journalism, media
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Hu Jintao wears same tie when meeting Kim Jong-il and Harry Reid
Photos: Hu Jintao wore the same tie when meeting Harry Reid (who earlier called him a dictator) as he did to a recent meeting with Kim Jong-il.
Posted in Foreign affairs
Tagged @altcat, DPRK, Harry Reid, Hu Jintao, Kim Jong Il, North Korea, USA
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AK47 toting panda, who lives in U.S.
An offensive website that calls liberal thinkers and sympathizers to the West as “slaves to the West” but is hosted on a U.S. server.
St Petersburg tiger summit and China
Putin’s tiger summit in St Petersburg, and China.
Posted in Wildlife
Tagged @altcat, South Africa, tigers, wildlife
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Blue skies over Beijing
Blue skies return to the capital after a week of smog and soupy air.
Posted in Environmental problems
Tagged @altcat, #crazybad, air quality, Beijing, environment, pollution
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The air in Beijing: 2010 and 2006
AP reports:
Pollution in Beijing was so bad Friday the U.S. Embassy, which has been independently monitoring air quality, ran out of conventional adjectives to describe it, at one point saying it was “crazy bad.”
Posted in Environmental problems
Tagged @altcat, air pollution, Beiing, environment, MEP
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Sex shops and the Red Light Revolution
Sexy Beijing interviews the cast and crew of the film Red Light Revolution.
Posted in Featured Video
Tagged @altcat, Beijing, film, Red Light Revolution, Sam Voutas, Sex, sex shops
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US-Sino currency rap battle from Next Media Animation
Quirky brilliance from Next Media Animation: The US-Sino Currency Rap Battle, featuring Obama and Chinese president Hu Jintao, who says: “China’s in the house. We own your ass biaatch!”
Ai Weiwei’s river crab banquet
Artist and activist Ai Weiwei is put under house arrest in Beijing, but but his river crab party in Shanghai goes on without him.