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Category Archives: Media business
Business Travel magazine cheats on audit
Business Travel magazine (商务旅行) has been kicked off BPA’s list of audited publications:
Posted in Magazines, Media business
Tagged BPA, magazines, media business
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Cai Indepth prelaunch, confused branding
Richard Li’s China news service launches, sort of. With two names.
Richard Li and Rupert Murdoch to join forces against Bloomberg?
A pseudonymous blogger who apparently has some inside sources sent the following link to Danwei: Taking aim at Bloomberg, Hong Kong Billionaire Richard Li and Rupert Murdoch join forces
Posted in Media business
Tagged Cai Indepth, Dow Jones, News Corp, Richard Li, Rupert Murdoch
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Government push for news media company IPOs
The Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the China Securities Regulatory Commission are actively pushing the listing of ten news websites.
Posted in Media business, Propaganda
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Kerry Stokes and Seven Network in China
Wheeler dealer Kerry Stokes (image source) From the Australian Herald Sun: Media mogul Kerry Stokes has pledged greater co-operation between the Seven Network and Chinese state media at a meeting in Beijing with China’s propaganda chief. Mr Stokes made the … Continue reading
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Sina to buy a chunk of Focus Media
Internet giant Sina is going to acquire Focus Media, China’s leading provider of out of home advertising on digital screens.
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Xinhua relents: Financial news sector open
China has formally opened its market to financial information providers.
Posted in Media business
Tagged Dow Jones, financial news, Financial Times, Kathrin Hille, media, media business, Mure Dickie, Reuters Thompson, Xinhua
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Practicing journalism at a fashion magazine
Dou Jiangming (钭江明) explains why he’s leaving Southern Metropolis Daily for Esquire.
Posted in Media business
Tagged Dou Jiangming, Esquire, magazines, Southern Metropolis Daily
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Reuters buys stake in Hexun
Reuters takes a stake in Hexun.
Posted in Media business
Tagged Caijing, Hexun, media business, Reuters, SEEC
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