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Category Archives: Crime
Coked up bankers of Hong Kong
The financial community in Hong Kong is buried in white powder according to one friend of a Hong Kong-based banker who recently jumped to his death after a cocaine binge.
What is going on?
Posted in Crime, Financial crisis
Tagged @altcat, banking, cocaine, crime, drugs, financial industry, Hong Kong, investment, police
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The police remind you to think before you fight
A friendly reminder from the police station The cost of fighting = 15 days’ detention + 500 RMB fine + 3,000 RMB medical bill + depression. The police respectfully remind you: before you strike, please think carefully about the cost … Continue reading
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School knife attacks and syphilis
A podcast on the recent spate of knife attacks at Chinese schools, and the starnge resurgence of a curable, preventable sexually transmitted disease.
Han Han: “Children, you’re spoiling grandpa’s fun”
Bad boy novelist, blogger and racing car driver recently posted some thoughts about Chinese media coverage of the recent school attacks in China, titled “Children, you’re depressing grandpa.” The blog post was soon deleted by the blog nannies at, but not before Julian Smisek translated it:
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Huang Guangyu, formerly China’s richest man, indicted for insider trading etc.
A tycoon who was once the richest man in China was charged yesterday with bribery, insider trading and illegal business dealings.
Posted in Crime
Tagged Gome, Huang Guangyu
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A most depressing lede
Chinese police have arrested nine people suspected of trafficking mentally disabled people from Leibo County in southwest China’ Sichuan Province to other areas and then murdering them in coal mines to blackmail the mine owners, police said Wednesday.
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A foreigner’s life in a Beijing jail
A foreigner’s life in a Beijing maximum security jail.
The mob lawyer speaks
Zhou Litai, a lawyer representing defendants in an organized crime case in Chongqing, explains his reasoning.
Posted in Crime
Tagged Chongqing, Kaixian, organized crime, The Beijing News, Zhou Litai
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Guangzhou scenic park suffers gun, harpoon and machete attack
A report from Caijing, translated by Andrew Chubb, and a video of the victims from
Posted in Crime
Tagged Grand World Scenic Park, Guangzhou, gun, harpoons
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