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Category Archives: BBS
Splitting India since 2005
Indian academics are up in arms about a Chinese essay that has been circulating online since 2005.
Posted in BBS
Tagged border issues, Financial Times, India
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Israeli women soldiers get warm reception on BBS
Israeli female soliders on iFeng forums.
The girl who sat with her back to the Premier
Chinese BBS are talking about the girl who sat with her back to Premier Wen, Chongqing and the Guinness Book of Records, Mao’s birthday, and propaganda official versus real estate bureau chief.
Posted in BBS
Tagged bbs, Christmas, Daqi, ESWN, Guinness Book of Records, Mao Zedong, Sina, Sohu, Tianya, Wen Jiabao
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Forums buzzing about Hu Jintao and the Spring Festival Gala
A round-up of latest Chinese BBS news and hot topics.
Suicide of an engineer
The suicide of a Huawei engineer.
Laptops: Chinese Internet word of mouth
A white paper about Internet word of mouth about laptop computers.
How to run a standalone blog, legally
William Long responds to Zousuper.
Posted in BBS, Blogs, Internet, Media regulation
Tagged media regulation, William Long
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Winners on the new Chinese Internet
China Web 2.0 Review is a blog that tracks Web 2.0 companies in China. It is written by Tangos and Luyi, two Chinese guys who follow the Chinese Internet closely.
Posted in BBS, Blogs, Business, Business and Finance, Internet, Media and Advertising, Media and business gossip, Media business, Media regulation, Mobile phone and wireless, Podcasts, Trends and Buzz, Video
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Who was Hong Kong returned to?
Zhang Yunruo (张允若) and Huang Yilong (黄一龙) discuss the handover.
Posted in BBS, China and foreign relations, Trends and Buzz
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How to find important news
Hot stories on Netease can be located by looking for reports with closed comments sections.
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