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Category Archives: 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
The giant ear of corn at the closing ceremony
A tower of red corn, and Placido Domingo and Song Zuying’s relationship and the closing ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Olympics Games.
Posted in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
Tagged corn, He Dong, Olympics, Wu Yan
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Not everyone can be a winner
Southern Metropolis Weekly (南都周刊) profiles a number of losing Olympic athletes.
Posted in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Magazines
Tagged Chang Ping, Olympics, Southern Metropolis Weekly
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No protesters for protest zones
Xinhua published an article that explains why there are no protesters in the protest zones.
Posted in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
Tagged Olympics, protests
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The Bird’s Nest tries to engulf the full moon
The Bird’s Nest and the moon: a series of images.
Posted in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
Tagged Birds Nest, Olympics
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Pollution wussies go quiet
Air pollution in Beijing: it’s not killing the athletes.
Posted in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
Tagged air quality, environment, Olympics, pollution
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Hand grenades and Olympics
Posted in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
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Stop drugs, bombs and journalists
Olympic volunteers on the watch for dangerous objects and people.
Posted in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Guest Contributor
Tagged Alice Xin Liu, Caijing, journalism, Liu Jingjing, Olympics, volunteers
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Is there a place for Mao in the Olympics?
Mao gets the Olympics treatment.
Posted in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
Tagged Liu Yizhong, Mao Zedong, Olympics, Rocky Leung
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Li Ning lights China’s Olympic flame
Chinese retailer Li Ning (李宁) is the biggest winner of the 2008 Beijing Olympics so far, after its founder and chairman – whose name the company bears – lit the cauldron at the final act of last night’s opening ceremony.
Posted in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Advertising and Marketing, Beijing, Business, Intellectual Property, IP and Law, Media and Advertising, Public Relations
Tagged cauldron, Li Ning, Olympic
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Olympic Danwei
New content on Danwei for the Olympics: video, media timeline,
Posted in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
Tagged advertising, Beijing, cities, Danwei, media, Olympics, urban life
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