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Tag Archives: goverment
A tribute to Bo Xilai
Crime buster Bo Xilai is praised in an online music video as “a peacetime hero”.
Posted in Featured Video
Tagged Bo Xilai, crime, goverment, online video
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Avatar’s Hallelujah Mountain in real life
The tourism bureau of Zhangjiajie in Hunan announced earlier today that the name of the reputed “South Pillar of the Heaven” aka “Pillar between Heaven and Earth” would be changed to “Hallelujah Mountain”
Greeting from the vice president
Qianjing Evening News: Over a million party cadres received a greeting from vice president Xi Jinping following the launch of the “National Low-level Party Construction Mobile Phone Network”
Posted in Front Page of the Day
Tagged CCP, goverment, Qianjiang Evening News, Xi Jinping
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Government warns developers about land hoarding
Ministry of Land and Resources recently released a list of development projects nationwide which involved developers failing to develop the land timely.
Posted in Front Page of the Day
Tagged goverment, houses, land use, real estate
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You grown-ups suck
Beijing Times: In a recent promotion exam taken by local judges, public prosecutors and police officers in Liangzhou, Gansu Province, 25 of the exam sitters were caught cheating by invigilators acted by 18 elementary students.
Posted in Front Page of the Day
Tagged Beijing Times, exam, goverment, plagiarism
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Official vs. cameraman
This short clip, shot on June 30, records Wang Yanlong, a township party secretary in Luquan, Hebei Province, chasing the cameraman and beating up demonstrators who try to interfere.
Two crooked Chinese bank officials convicted in the US
Two former managers of a branch of the Bank of China in Kaiping, Guangdong Province, were sentenced to 25 and 22 years by a US District Court in Nevada.
Posted in Front Page of the Day
Tagged Bank of China, banking, corruption, crime, earthquakes, extradition, goverment, law, New Express
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Hire locals to win a new car!
The Daxing District Government gives Audis to employers for hiring locals.
Posted in Front Page of the Day
Tagged Beijing Times, Daxing, goverment, unemployment
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