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Tag Archives: Neocha
Art + design auction for earthquake in Shanghai tonight – Neocha
NeochaEDGE, part of the Neocha networking website for Chinese designers, rock bands and other creative youths, is holding a charity auction tonight of works by the website’s members to raise money for earthquake relief.
Posted in Events
Tagged art, auctions, Neocha, NeochaEDGE
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An album from Neocha’s netlabel that brings together ten original tracks from independent Chinese bands and solo acts with female vocalists, all of whom are users.
Posted in Art, Internet, Music
Tagged Blow Up, Neocha, netlabel, Popil, Sean Leow, Tomorrow's Afternoon Tea, xiao long hua
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Music Shorts – 21 Grams
The Shanghai Beat “Music Shorts” brings you a performance by 21 Grams, a Shanghainese experimental post rock band whose introspective music is inspired by an their passion for film.
Posted in Featured Video
Tagged 21 grams, music, Neocha, Schokora, Shanghai, Shanghai Beat
Comments Off on Music Shorts – 21 Grams in English on Twitter, a social networking site for Chinese musicians, designers, filmmakers, photographers, animators and those interested in Chinese creative communities, has an English language Twitter page. As Neocha’s Web site is almost entirely in Chinese, its Twitter page helps non-Chinese language … Continue reading
Posted in Internet
Tagged creativity, Neocha, Twitter
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The Shanghai Beat: Graffiti Shanghai
Danwei TV presents episode 4 of The Shanghai Beat, titled “Graffiti Shanghai.” Featured band: 21 Grams.
Posted in Danwei TV, Featured Video
Tagged 21 grams, graffiti, Hker, Moganshan, Mr. Lan, Neocha, Popil, rucker park, Schokora, Shanghai, Shanghai Beat, Xiang
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I don’t watch CCTV
A punk song titled ‘I don’t watch CCTV’.
Free Chinese music to your desktop
Chinese innovation: NEXT is a networking website for Chinese musicians, designers, photographers, artists and filmmakers, etc. They have just launched a new feature called NEXT. NEXT plays songs from’s library of user-uploaded music, from within a web browser, … Continue reading
Posted in Music
Tagged Chinese, indie, music, Neocha,, Next, Shanghai Beat
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