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Tag Archives: Global Times
Qaddafi’s imminent fall – some views from China
The news coming out of Libya this morning has been reported without much commentary by Xinhua News Agency and most newspapers and websites in China. That has not stopped editors from using the news to sell papers; see for example … Continue reading
Posted in Front Page of the Day, Internet and Media
Tagged Civil War,, Foreign Affairs, Gaddafi, Global Times, Hu Xijin, Libya, Muammar Al-Qaddafi, polls, Qaddafi, revolution
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A national strategic language for China
An opinion piece from the Global Times (环球时报) argues for the importance of naming China’s national language correctly to preserve national unity.
Posted in Language
Tagged Global Times, language, linguistics, Zhang Wenmu
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Explosions in military facility injures 20
The Beijing News reports an explosion in Fengtai district (丰台) on the outskirts of Beijing
Posted in Front Page of the Day
Tagged explosion, Fengtai, Global Times, military, outskirts, The Beijing News
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A volunteer’s shuttered blog: follow-up
Global Times reports on Eckart Loewe; New Weekly says he turned down an interview because of government criticism.
Posted in The Countryside
Tagged Eckart Loewe, Global Times, New Weekly, volunteerism
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Global Times, China World, South Beauty and Zhang Ziyi
Scandal sheet The Global Times recently offended and delighted different groups of people in Beijing with an advice column by the pseudonymous Alessandro, who answered a question from a “reader” named S. Natch: “If unused for a long time, can … Continue reading
Posted in Newspapers
Tagged @altcat, Global Times, South Beauty, Wang Xiaofei, Zhang Ziyi
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Global Times declares victory over color revolutions
The Global Times’ Chinese edition enjoys the defeat of Ukraine’s “Orange Revolution”.
Posted in Newspapers
Tagged @altcat, Global Times
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Earth-shattering news and a faked interview
Chengdu Business News and Global Times pair the devastation of the Google pullout with the Haiti earthquake.
Posted in Front Page of the Day
Tagged Chengdu Business News, Global Times, Google, Haiti, interviews
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UFOs in the Global Times
A story on international UFO research in the Chinese edition, and a few recent oddities from the English edition.