Chinese bloggers have been passing around a link to the following peculiar Xinhua article from 2006:
The fragment (since deleted) appears to be part of a draft of a Xinhua story about Fidel Castro’s absence from a military parade commemorating the 50th anniversary of Cuba’s Revolutionary Armed Forces (Qianjiang Evening News hosts a copy).
What makes this article more than just a run-of-the-mill unfinished report that was accidentally released is the list of “sensitive words” at the bottom: “Fаlun Gοng” and its leader, “Tаiwan independence”, terms relating to the student movement in 1989, and the names of two student leaders.
These topics don’t have any relation to Cuban politics (unless Xinhua is privy to the details of some ultra-secret global conspiracy), so it’s a real mystery what they’re doing in the article.