Here is another episode of Kuang Kuang’s Diary, featuring Kuang Kuang, the primary school boy with a permanent bloody nose, and his girlfriend Xiao Hong.
This episode is called The 38th Parallel, a reference to the border between North and South Korea. In Chinese primary schools in the 1970s and 1980s, boys and girls who shared a desk would often draw a line down the middle of the desk and call it the 38th Parallel, meaning it was not to be crossed.
The 38th Parallel is presented here for the first time with English subtitles.
Kuang Kuang and the 38th Parallel
Uploaded to Danwei’s Youtube account with the permission of the creators. All rights reserved by 北京互象动画有限公司 Copyright 2010-2011, subtitles by
More on Kuang Kuang
On Danwei:
Blowing up the school, Rabbit Rampage and Director Pi San on his Year of the Rabbit animation.
On Hutoon’s web pages:, pages on Tudou, Youku or Sina.