“Rebirth” in the news


Xin Bao

Chengdu Evening News

Today Evening News

Managers’ Daily

A bunch of today’s papers went with an all-black or gray front page. Unlike last year‘s black covers, newspapers today were not reacting to a State mourning period. Websites like Taobao.com followed suit, too.

The slogan for today seems to be “Rebirth” (重生). This slogan appears everywhere in the newspapers, and was implied during Hu Jintao’s speech at the service held in Yingxiu, the epicenter of the quake.

Above, the Managers’ Daily concentrates slogans from Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao on the top of the page: “Nothing can stop the Chinese heroic people!” and “Increasing post-earthquake construction is an important measure for expanding domestic consumption and economic development; it is also the primary task for the earthquake-hit areas”.

The Chengdu Evening News has a special report on “Rebirth” inside the paper. On the front page, it features what the government leaders are doing, as well as a smiling child.

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