It snowed on Saturday night on the mountains north of Miyun Reservoir to the east of Beijing. Your correspondent trekked up a forested mountain gorge. At about 800 meters above sea level, there was a foot of snow on on flat ground, and snow speckled all over the trees and cliffs.
There were no other people around. But I was not the only beast on the path yesterday morning: there was a long trail of footprints as in the image below.
While the peasants lower down in the gorge keep dogs, this print was several hundred meters higher than the highest village. Wishing to avoid any South China Tiger scandals, I will not claim that it’s a wolf or a jackal. But if any Danwei readers are footprint experts, please tell us if this footprint is a dog, a jackal, a wolf, or an abominable snowman.
Other articles about the wildlife of Beijing on Danwei: