The people want positive news

The website of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee publishes a selection of feedback it receives from the public.

Earlier this month, a Beijinger wrote in Secretary Yu Zhengsheng to complain about news reports broadcast by the local satellite TV station, Dragon TV (东方卫视):

Greetings, Secretary Yu –

I am a Beijinger, but because I am currently in Shanghai and I am quite concerned with Shanghai’s development, I frequently watch programs, particularly the news, on Shanghai’s Dragon TV. Regrettably, the daily news broadcasts on Dragon TV are chock full of “negative” news: all kinds of disasters and fatal accidents from all over the country and the world make up the majority of the content of Dragon TV news programs, and you rarely see anything that reflects Shanghai’s development and progress, much less any news that is relevant to the lives of everyday people (except for negative news about everyday people).

Those of us from out of town want to see how Shanghai is developing and making progress. We want to see the new changes that are taking place every day, as well as the new climate and new social customs found in the lives of ordinary Shanghainese, so that we can learn from the good ideas, excellent methods, and positive experiences Shanghai has had over the course of that development. And frankly, the “negative” news reported in Dragon TV’s news programs is something we can now learn from CCTV and Internet media, so there is no need for it to be rehashed on Dragon TV.

In my opinion, Dragon TV must adjust its way of thinking, and its starting point must be Shanghai’s service and promotion. To become an impressive station, I hope that Dragon TV can learn from Beijing TV’s example!

Zhuang Yaozhong


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