This is announcement from BON TV, a news station broadcast in parts of the U.S. and on the Internet, produced in Beijing.
BON TV is launching a debate show. The debate will be between two people and in English language. Each debate is 30 minutes and will be on air weekly. It is pre-recorded at International Metro Center of Chaoyang District. We’ve listed topics that we believe will interest our US viewers. Please send email to ASAP to let us know which topic you are interested in appearing as a guest debater and which side you’d like to take. It’s going to be fun!
You are welcome to also suggest topics for debates. Thanks!
· Revaluing the renminbi; float the yuan or not?
· TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). TCM is superstitious nonsense and should be abolished vs. TCM is a valuable Chinese tradition.
· Should China discontinue the one-child policy?
· Should we resurrect Confucius? Or Can Confucius bring back traditional values to China? Is Confucius appropriate to the 21st century?
· Should China move toward nursing homes for the elderly? Or should the children take care of their parents?
· Should Beijing limit the number of cars? Or encourage the growth of the car market?
· IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) — Is the US being unfair? Should Chinese pay full price for Windows and Hollywood DVDs? Are Western companies being too greedy?
· Is it true that “national capital is expanding and private capital is shrinking?
· Should China allow dual-nationality?
· Should China promote genetically modified food because of its large population; should China import GM food from the US?
·China should become a more active player in world affairs, vs. China should maintain its neutrality in world affairs. Is it time for China to “flex its muscles” with its military etc.?
·Should China raise the minimal wage?