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Tag Archives: CNBloggercon Interviews
Carol Lin: “The Flavor of Freedom”
In this interview, Carol Lin (a.k.a. The Carol), a prolific Taiwanese blogger, microblogger, social activist and an all-around digital maven, who is also well known for her photography, shares her thoughts on the lack of development in the Chinese web 2.0 / Internet industry, Taiwan’s uncensored Internet, the opportunity average Chinese people got to “taste the flavor of freedom in an unblocked Internet” during the Olympics, and digitally savvy Chinese netizens.
Posted in Blogs, Featured Video, Internet
Tagged bloggers, Blogging, Carol Lin, CNBloggerCon, CNBloggercon Interviews
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Blogger interview: Guo Daxia
An interview with Guo “Daxia” (郭”大虾”), a controversial and prolific grassroots Chinese blogger well-known for tackling many of China’s most sensitive social issues.
Posted in Blogs, Censorship, Freedom of expression, Internet
Tagged bloggers, censorship, CNBloggerCon, CNBloggercon Interviews, Guo Daxia
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China’s first blogger: Isaac Mao
In this interview, Isaac Mao (毛向辉), China’s first blogger and a self proclaimed “free philosopher of sharism,” talks about how many major news stories in China first break online with local netizens using blogs and other social media tools to find, share, and uncover the truth about issues the mainstream / traditional media aren’t allowed to cover. Mao goes on to speak optimistically about China’s social progress and evolution, assuring that the country is moving toward a modern society very much worth looking forward to.
Posted in Blogs, Internet, Media, People
Tagged blogs, CNBloggerCon, CNBloggercon Interviews, Isaac Mao, social media, society
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Shi Feng on education and the Internet in China
An interview with Shi Feng (石峰), a drop out from one of China’s most prestigious universities turned blogger, talks about the growing rift between education and social needs / society in China, and calls for everyone to participate in a transformation of China’s education system.
Posted in Blogs, Featured Video, Internet, People
Tagged blog, CNBloggercon Interviews, education reform, interviews, Shi Feng
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Bei Feng at China Blogger Conference
An interview with Wen Yunchao aka Bei Feng, a well-known journalist and blogger at the forefront of current social and political events in China, talks about censorship and the way netizens get around it.
Posted in Blogs, Featured Video, Internet, People
Tagged Bei Feng, blogs, CNBloggercon Interviews, Wen Yunchao
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Liu Xiaoyuan: I fought the law and the law won
Adam Schokora interviews Liu Xiaoyuan at CNBloggercon 2008.
Posted in Blogs, Featured Video, Internet
Tagged CNBloggerCon, CNBloggercon Interviews, interview, Liu Xiaoyuan, Schokora
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Zhai Minglei: CNBloggercon interview
In this interview, Zhai Minglei, a citizen journalist and blogger talks about how he is pleasantly surprised by some developments on the Chinese Internet.
Posted in Blogs, Featured Video
Tagged 1Bao, citizen journalism, CNBloggerCon, CNBloggercon Interviews, Zhai Minglei
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Zola, citizen journalist
An interview at this year’s Chinese blogger conference with Zola (Zhou Shuguang), a citizen journalist and blogger well-known for covering sensitive events throughout China.
Posted in Blogs, Featured Video, Internet, People
Tagged blogs, citizen journalism, CNBloggerCon, CNBloggercon Interviews, interview, Zhou Shuguang, Zola, 周曙光
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BloggerCon interviews: Yang Hengjun
In this, the second in a series of short interviews conducted at this year’s Chinese blogger conference, Yang Hengjun, a political espionage novelist and well-known blogger, talks about Chinese netizens’ collective power as ‘human search engines,’ and the domestic Internet censorship machine.
Posted in Blogs, Featured Video, Internet
Tagged CNBloggerCon, CNBloggercon Interviews, interview, Yang Hengjun, 杨恒均
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Blogger Conference interviews: Ping Ke
An interview with Ping Ke of at the Chinese bloggers’ conference in Guangzhou, November 2008.
Posted in Blogs, Featured Video, Internet, Video
Tagged Antiwave, blogs, CNBloggerCon, CNBloggercon Interviews, Internet, interviews, Ping Ke
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