GPS toilet maps for Beijing

Visas, camera equipment for foreign news crews, tickets to Olympic events: who needs ’em? The People’s Daily rightly puts the focus on the true needs of Olympic visitors:

Beijing to establish electronic map of public lavatories

Beijing will create an electronic guidance system for public lavatories. Before the Olympic Games, guides will be set up at 210 major downtown streets and street corners. By then, those seeking out public lavatories can do so with the help of a GPS locator. This is information was released at a press conference held by the Beijing Municipal Administration Commission.

Before the Olympic Games, Beijing will provide the location of public lavatories through a website, tourist and transportation maps, and posted guides on the road. Beijing has issued the style and setting requirements for posted public lavatory guides and the locations of posted guides on a main street. Guides will be posted every 50 meters to 150 meters apart from each other.

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