Guo Jingming’s new magazine and charity


Top Novel youth literary magazine, edited by Guo Jingming.

Guo Jingming’s new fiction monthly, Top Novel (最小说), is out in major cities across China (Danwei previously translated the title as “Most Novel”).

Top Novel features the first installment of Guo’s new novel, Cry me a sad river, as well as shorter pieces by some familiar names out of the stable of young writers that have been involved in the I5land anthology series. Guo has a column (keywords this month are “Summer, Oden, Dark, Swimming fish, Examination, Cycle”), as does Super Girl Li Jiele, who will write all about her competition experience in the coming months.

Guo and his publisher have also set up a Top Novel Foundation, which will receive 0.01 yuan for each copy sold (at a cover price of 8 yuan); the accumulated sum and its intended recipient will be announced every three issues. The publisher, Changjiang Literature and Arts Press, says that this fund is intended to help out places most in need, as well as to improve the image of post-80s writers.

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