New gadgets for the SWAT team


Xinjiang Metropolis Daily
November 7, 2007

The top headline of today’s Xinjiang Metropolis Daily reads: “One day’s salary can warm the poor for the whole winter.” The article calls on every government and business employee province-wide to donate to poor citizens who are badly in need of assistance.

The front page picture shows SWAT team members in Urumqi showing off their new patrol equipment. According to article, first aid bags and insulated kettles have been added for the first time.

Other headlines:

• Yesterday, the Ministry of Public Security publicized the names and pictures of 4 wanted criminals. It will reward people who provide information with up to 10,000 yuan;

• Urumuqi bus line 528A adjusted its stops yesterday, said the local Traffic Management Bureau.

• A thousand-year-old tomb at the common boundary between Heshuo county and Tuokexun County was dug up this summer. Excavations have almost been completed. Some well-preserved pottery pieces are very valuable, said one archaeologist involved in the project.

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