Buildings fall in Chongqing


The First, November 16. 2007

The top headline in The First announces that more than 80% netizens agree with proposed adjustments to the national holiday scheme. The changes would eliminate the May Day Golden Week in favor of one-day holidays on three traditional Chinese festivals (Qingming, the Dragon Boat Festival, and Mid-Autumn Day). One and a half million people took part in the online poll, which was hosted by Sina, Sohu, Xinhua,, and other sites. The article does not mention criticisms from other netizens that the survey questions were carefully designed to result in a show of support for the changes.

The front page photo shows buildings being demolished in Kaixian, a county in Chongqing, as part of the Three Gorges Dam relocation project. This is the final scheduled demolition of the project. Since construction began on the dam in 1993, more than 1.3 million people from 20 counties have been relocated.

The other photo shows Yi Jianlian in a NBA match. He played well on Wednesday, grabbing 13 rebounds and scoring 6 points.

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