The front page of today’s Chongqing Times features a cartoon pictograph: goat + grass = milk. The headline reads, “This father raised 5 goats so that his daughter could drink non-toxic milk.”
He keeps the goats on the roof, where other people commonly plant potted vegetables. Under the little cartoons of a goat, grass and milk, subheadings explain the goats cost 3000 RMB each, and eat 3.5 kg (7 jin)of grass and 1.5 kg (3 jin) concentrated feed per day. For 10 months of the year, this leads to a daily yield of 3 liters of milk per day.
The front page write-up points out that drinking fresh goats milk is a lot cheaper than buying imported milk powder. But if you live in a high-value real estate area, it warns, don’t even think about it!
Frowning down from the top of the front page is a photo of a grave-looking government official. His name is Du Jincai (杜金才) and he is one of 6 high-ranking people who have recently been promoted within the Chinese military. Here are their photos:
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Chongqing Times: 就为女儿喝上无毒奶瑞士萨能奶山羊 ; 杜金才等6人晋升上将 ; 市领导看望慰问驻渝部队和武警官兵