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  • Danwei readers work in journalism, tech companies, VC, media and publishing, PR and marketing, and academia. They have professional or personal interest in the Middle Kingdom.
  • Surveys show that our readers are consumers domestic and international travel and air tickets, MBAs, Chinese and English language learning programs, legal and consulting services, Internet and tech products, books, music and entertainment.


Page ads

Page ads include still image and rich media boxes and banners embedded in the Danwei website. Page ads can be posted on the home page or on archived entries, such as all entries with a specific category. Page ads are typically paid for on a monthly basis. Rates vary with size and placement. A month long 300X250 banner on left part of the home page (under the sponsored video box) is 8000RMB per month.

Audio Podcast ads

Danwei produces and publishes an audio podcasts on a weekly basis. 9 second ad inserts are available for podcasts. Audio podcast ads stay online indefinitely. Podcast advertising costs 8000RMB for 3 podcasts.

Video ads

Danwei produces streaming video on a regular basis. 9 second ad inserts are available for video ads. Video ads stay online indefinitely. The price is 8000RMB for one video.

Job ads

Send an email to containing the text of the ad, and telling us how you would like to pay. Current rates are USD 150 through Paypal or RMB 800 in cash for one ad per month. It will appear on the Danwei home page for several days (depending on how fast new content is published), and will remain searchable and visible on the jobs page until you tell us to take it down.

Content Sponsorship

Sponsored content refers to Danwei’s creation of content tailored to meet your branding and positioning goals. Sponsored content applies to text entries, podcasts, video, and events.

For more information about sponsored content, or to request information on our site’s statistics and how we can help you get your message out, please contact us at

Google texts ads and links

You can place text ads on Danwei’s home page and archive pages using Google: please visit our Google Adsense page. If you have any difficulties using Google’s ad booking system, please let us know:

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