Learn Chinese Language


Language: Introduction

The Chinese language is a tonal language

and often regarded as a member of the

Sino-Tibetan family of languages. Although

Chinese is often mistaken as a single

language, the regional variation of Spoken

Chinese can be different enough to be

mutually incomprehensible.

Chinese can refer to Spoken Chinese

and Written Chinese. By the Spoken Chinese,

there were seven main regional groups

including Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese,

or Hakka. Not only do they greatly differ

in pronunciation, about 25% to 50% difference

in their grammer and vocabulary are notable

enough to raise a doubt if all Chinese

dialects come from the same language


Learn Chinese Language:

Lessons from Chinese


However, Chinese always share a common

Written form and characters, at least

Since Qin Shi Huang have united all Chinese

nations in BC 200s. Before 19-20th Century,

the common written form was Literary

Chinese (Classical Chinese) that no one

spoke as mother tongue. Until 20th Century,

the baihuawen movement pushed the birth

of the new written form Vernacular Chinese,

based on Mandarin.

How Many People Speak and

learn Chinese

About one-fifth of the people in the

world speak some forms of Chinese as

their native language, making it the

language with the most native speakers.

The Chinese language, spoken in the form

of Standard Mandarin, is the official

language of the People’s Republic of

China and the Republic of China on Taiwan,

as well as one of four official languages

of Singapore, and one of six official

languages of the United Nations. Spoken

in the form of Standard Cantonese, Chinese

is one of the official languages of Hong

Kong (together with English) and of Macau

(together with Portuguese) and is a spoken

language in Singapore (together with

Mandarin, English, Bahasa Melayu (i.e.

Malay), and Tamil).

Among Chinese diaspora, Cantonese is

the common language one can hear in Chinatowns,

thanks to early immigrants from the Southern

China. However, the rise of Northern

and Taiwanese immigrants pushed Mandarin

getting more common today.

Chinese Language in writing

and speech

The terms and concepts used by Chinese

to separate spoken language from written

language are different from those used

in the West, because of differences in

the political and social development

of China in comparison with Europe. Whereas

Europe fragmented into smaller nation-states

after the fall of the Roman Empire, the

identities of which were often defined

by language, China was able to preserve

cultural and political unity through

the same period, and maintained a common

written language throughout its entire

history, despite the fact that its actual

diversity in spoken language has always

been comparable to Europe. As a result,

Chinese makes a sharp distinction between "written

language" (wén; 文 ) and "spoken

language" (y ǔ ; 语 / 語 ). The concept

of a distinct and unified combination

of both written and spoken forms of language

is therefore much stronger in the West

than in

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Learn Chinese, Online Chinese

Study Guides

•  Learn

Chinese Characters: Zhongwen.com

•  Chinese Names:

English to Chinese name translation.

Learn Chinese, Chinese Study links

by Google

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It uses material from the Wikipedia

article “Chinese language “.

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