Olympic Danwei


Photo of Water Cube by Too Many Tribbles

The 2008 Olympic Games begin today, and Danwei has spruced itself up a little, like everything else in our beloved city of Beijing.

Here are some of the new and updated features on the site:

China Media Timeline

A visual guide to changes in the Chinese media from 1978 to 2008.


A home for online video about China.

Olympic Model Workers English division

A list of the best blogs and new media websites about China in English.

Olympic Model Workers Chinese division

A list of the best blogs and new media websites about China in Chinese.

China Media Guide

Danwei’s guide to Chinese media, in print and on the web.

In addition to above, we have also spruced up the home page: the right column now includes links to:

• Media, advertising and communications jobs in China

• Danwei.TV videos

• Reviews and excerpts from books on China

Front page of the day: an image of the front page of a Chinese newspaper every week day, and a translation or summary of an article in the newspaper

• A randomly generated selection of good articles and posts from our archives

• A tag cloud

Finally, an old but little known feature: Danwei Side, a website that collects all the links and comments displayed on Danwei’s grey top bar, links to news stories and blog posts about China.

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