Fraudulent ad by angry American lawyer in China

An American lawyer with an axe to grind about his former employer — a Chinese law firm — has been going public with all his complaints about the firm on his blog (use this link in China).

China Law Blog has been following the story and there has been a lively debate in their comments section about the angry American lawyer. See these posts: Chinese Law Gossip and Is China Lawyer Blog finished?

Today this Google ad appeared on Danwei:


The name of the law firm is the angry American lawyer’s former employer. But there is no website at

Your correspondent clicked on the ad because I remembered that the real URL of the law firm was Something seemed fishy.

Surprise, surprise, the ad is not actually linked to but to the angry lawyer’s blog.

The same ad is currently being displayed on Peking Duck, but without the fake URL:


Note to Google: I understand the terms of your service are that I must not click on ads on my own site, but I hope you agree that an exception can be made in this case because I was investigating a fraudulent advertisement.

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