Obama events in China this week

On November 2, 2004, John Kerry conceded the U.S. presidential election, giving George W. Bush another four years in office. The wails and cries of American Democratic Party supporters in Beijing filled the air. At the time, Danwei tried to give them some succor by pointing out the following:

Barack Obama is a half-black, half Kansan American kid who was born in Hawaii and grew up in Indonesia. He was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review

Barack Obama has just become the US senator for Illinois.

Danwei does not endorse political candidates, and if you read the entire text in the Danwei article linked above, you may find it’s not the kind of praise useful to American politicians, but since we were somehow on the Obama bandwagon rather early on, we feel it’s appropriate to publish the following announcement from Americans in China for Obama:

Greetings Americans in China for Obama:

This week officially kicks off the general election campaign for Barack Obama. It’s been a rigorous primary, but we have our nominee, and he’s already begun taking on McCain.

Next week, Obama Senior Foreign Policy Advisors Ivo Daalder and Phil Gordon of the Brookings Institute are visiting China. This is a great opportunity for Obama supporters to get a direct audience with the campaign and to hear about their foreign policy positions.

There will be two private fundraising receptions in Beijing and Shanghai. All US Citizens and Permanent Residents are welcome to attend.

BEIJING: Tuesday June 17th

Embassy House

18 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie

(Just north of the Pizza Hut on Dongzhimenwai Street and Chunxiu Street)

For directions please call: (8610) 8449 9888.

Host reception with Ivo Daalder and Phil Gordon: doors open at 6:30 PM

Please contact Erin Keogh: ekeogh@mac.com for details on the host event.

General reception with Ivo Daalder and Phil Gordon: doors open at 7:30 PM

Price includes dinner and refreshments

Contact Erin Keogh: ekeogh@mac.com

To RSVP for the event, go here.

Seating will also be available on a first come first served basis the day of the event.

Please bring your US Passport or Permanent Resident card for identification.

This is a private event and is not open to the press.

SHANGHAI: Thursday June 19

Host Reception with Ivo Daalder & Phil Gordon: 6:30pm

General Reception with Ivo Daalder & Phil Gordon: 7:00pm

Contact: Ben Johnson +86 13691376931 ben@ryecor.com

To RSVP for the event, go here.

Please bring your US Passport or Permanent Resident card for identification.

This is a private event and is not open to the press.

Please pass on the word and we hope to see you there!

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