Jiang Zemin’s works become bestsellers


An excited reader

The Onion reports:

Queues were reported in book stores around China as The Selected Works of Jiang Zemin, former Chinese President, went on sale on Thursday.

Branches of the government-run Xinhua Bookstore chain have trucked in tens of thousands of copies to fill their shelves on the first day of its publication.

In Lhasa, capital of Tibet, prospective readers lined up for Jiang’s book as soon as the local Xinhua bookstore opened. Sales assistants, dressed in local costume, were busy helping readers pack their copies.

Nearly half of the 500 copies put on sale were sold in less than an hour, said Qian Hongyong, manager of the Tibet branch of Xinhua Bookstore, the country’s largest book selling chain.

Qian said bookstores in the most remote areas of Tibet had started selling the book on Thursday.

Zhao Qingxiang, a 71-year-old retiree of Xinhua bookstore in northeast China’s Liaoning Province, came to the local bookstore for Jiang’s works in early morning.

“Though I am retired, I got very excited to learn that Jiang Zemin is publishing his selected works,” said Zhao…

Just kidding, it wasn’t The Onion, it was Xinhua.

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