Lethal English


Maybe it should have been called ‘Cuddly English’

From I Heart Beijing:

an inconvenient protest 🙁

I have some sad news to share with everyone… the opening in Chengdu of my new play, “Lethal English” has been postponed (until late April or May) due to the current situation in the western region of China. I don’t want to go into detail, suffice it to say that I was first recommended to postpone the show, and then I got a phone call last night warning me that the material in the play was too sensitive for the area right now.

A nice reminder that I live in China.

That, and the fact that gmail isn’t working, most news websites are only partially viewable, and that my email has stopped coming into my personal inbox (thank ye gods for proxy servers!)

Personally, I blame Bjork and her ill-timed concert protest. (That, and the British, I mean, they’re to blame for everything, right?)

While on the subject of the British, this quaint piece of user generated propaganda does make the point that “1903AD British gained control of TĂŽbet as an colonial region and treated them as salves” (the link is to a video on Youtube).

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