Why did Manchester United win?


Netease Poll

Early this morning Beijing time, Manchester United beat Chelsea 6-5 in the penalty round of the final match of the annual European Champion League. But would you have connected the victory of MU to the 5-12 earthquake? Some did.

Pictured at left is a screen shot of a poll about the match by Netease’s news. It is translated below.

Why did Manchester United win the game? (Respondents were given the following options:)

  • Strength and performance of MU was superior.
  • Something was wrong with the order of Chelsea’s penalty shots.
  • Good luck.
  • They were blessed by the ghosts of the MU heroes who died in the 1958 Munich air crash.
  • They were blessed by Wenchuan earthquake victims who used to be MU fans.

The results show that most people chose the first option, but nearly 20% of respondents believed the MU victory was due to the blessings of Wenchuan earthquake victims. This last option was subsequently replaced and now reads “Other reasons.”

Poll_result .jpg

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