Hu Jintao is also grandpa


Grandpa Hu

The spin doctors at Xinhua have evidently decided that President Hu Jintao needs a little of the kindly grandpa reputation that Premier Wen Jiabao enjoys in China.

The below is from a Xinhua report that is a top story, with photo, on Xinhua’s English website. The article also appears on Xinhua’s Chinese site, but does not have the same prominent placement. In the Chinese version of the article, one of the children calls the President ‘Grandpa Hu (胡爷爷).

As the special guests of Chinese President Hu Jintao, 88 students from the quake-hit areas on Wednesday visited Zhongnanhai, the compound of central authorities, and had a joyous time with grandpa Hu before going to Russia for recuperation.

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