You won’t see this in the People’s Daily


Rabble’s Daily, October 23, 2010

This spoof of the People’s Daily, taken from a now-deleted Sina microblog post, recasts the party organ as Pimin Ribao (P民日报), which we’ll translate as “Rabble’s Daily.” The mock-up front page is all about Liu Xiaobo’s Nobel Peace Prize.

The upper corner heralds the award with the precise sub-head “The first Nobel Prize awarded to a Chinese citizen residing on the mainland” and notes, “although he has been punished severely, Liu Xiaobo has become for many Chinese a symbol at the forefront of the struggle for basic human rights.”

The text is a translation of an op-ed published in the New York Times on Friday by Thorbjorn Jagland, chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, titled “Why We Gave Liu Xiaobo a Nobel.”

Ruan Ji, a blogger who provided the translation, notes that it is the result of edits made to a first-pass translation by Google Translate.

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