President Hu’s new catchphrases


Chinese Business View
December 19, 2008

In a conference celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of China’s reform era, President Hu Jintao expressed his vision of a more prosperous and modern China in the future. Various parts of the speech became headlines of newspapers across the country today.

Here’s a selection:

The reform and opening-up is China’s third great revolution (New Culture View, Chinese Business View)

The first two “great revolutions” refer to the Nationalist Revolution which overthrew the Qing Dynasty, and the Communist Revolution, which led to the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949.

An even more well-off society will be realized in 2021 (Beijing Times)


The year 2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. “Well-off society” is a previous buzzword which Hu has taken to another level (更高水平的小康社会).

China’s modernization will be accomplished at the 100th anniversary of the founding of the country. (Xin Bao)


The path of opening-up and reform is completely right; Standing still and regressing will lead to nowhere. (Xi’an Evening News)


The path of opening-up and reform is completely correct. (Chutian Metropolis Daily)


The whole world comments on China’s thirty years: Economic accomplishments are highly regarded; social progress has also been recognized (Global Times)


Hu Jintao: Don’t sway back and forth; don’t relax our efforts; don’t get sidetracked (Chongqing Evening News)


“不动摇, 不懈怠, 不折腾”: This is how the China Daily translates what is sure to become a popular slogan in the coming year.

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