Playing games with clean government


As you sit in front of your computer playing WoW late into the night, do you ever wonder whether you could be doing something positive in the real world? Or at the very least, learning something new while you’re grinding out levels?

Well, you’re in luck. The China Anti-Corruption Culture Gaming Net (中国廉政文化游戏网), sponsored by the Ningbo government, is about to launch a new online game that fights official corruption in its many insidious forms. “Incorruptible Warrior Online” (清廉战士), currently in beta testing, is an MMORPG that pits the player against all types of corrupt officials in ancient China.

According to the game’s description, it takes place in a detailed 2D world that includes 357 locations modeled on real-life places around Ningbo. Players interact with 165 figures from history using a variety of items and spells. Their mission: “By decapitating corrupt officials and driving out demons, players accumulate experience points and ultimately turn society into an incorruptible wonderland where politicls are clean and the people live and work in peace.”

How does it differ from your average quest-based RPG?

Education clad in entertainment is another bright point about this game. When players reach certain levels, they must take part in an class on honest government to learn about relevant cases from history. The pervasive, fascinating educational programming subtly builds up the players’ knowledge, shattering the limitations of games that are purely entertainment, and bringing new, educational meaning.

Unfortunately, the beta of this intriguing game appears to have been suspended pending a server upgrade.


But while you wait, the site offers lots of other Flash toys to amuse yourself with as you learn about the campaigns against corruption. Pictured at left is the end of a game of “Beat Down the Corrupt Official” (打倒贪官). You can choose any name you like – Chen Liangyu seemed like he’d be an easy opponent – and then take out your frustration on guy with a baseball bat, a knife, or an automatic weapon.

Or you could watch animated fables describing the social harm caused by corruption.

Finally, here’s a preview of the “Incorruptible Warrior” (the action starts around 1:55):

UPDATE: ESWN has more info about the beta test and game play.

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