Journalism masters degree at ground zero of the new media wars



This is a shout out to our current advertiser, the Journalism and Media Studies Centre at the University of Hong Kong.

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You’ve got only a three days left to apply for a Masters program at Hong Kong University’s Journalism and Media Studies Centre.

If you’re interested in Chinese media and journalism in Asia, Hong Kong University (HKU) is a superb place to study:

China media junkies are all familiar with the excellent work done by the China Media Project, a project of the Journalism and Media Studies Centre that showcases the talent and scholarship of leading journalists and academics.

The Master degree gives students the opportunity to study journalism and media from the front lines of the new media wars that China Media Project covers. The student body and faculty are international, the campus is in Hong Kong’s free media environment but with access to the Mainland’s most cutting edge publications and journalists.

The Master of Journalism course is a one year full-time or a two year part-time course. Students address the core skills of journalism – reporting and writing, television and video production, media law and ethics and multiple-media online journalism. They also have the opportunity to take elective courses in a broad range of subjects from business and finance to public health to digital media and to undergo short-term internships.

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